Sunday, January 25, 2015


At my attempt at a good run yesterday. I woke up at seven and saw that it was dark, rainy, and so windy my window had opened. I said to myself, "I don't care. No excuses today, you've probably gained twenty pounds in bread." So I went back to sleep and woke up at ten. And, thank you Jesus, it was a sunny day. It was also the windiest day of the year. I don't think I can describe to you just how windy. It was blowing in straight from the ocean (channel) and was so strong that Jacob and I couldn't hear each other talk. Nevertheless, we set out on that wild blackberry trail with intention to run to a lifeguard building we thought we remembered seeing. 
Yeah, we never found it. I'll give myself credit for maybe a mile. A good, fastish mile, but a mile. Then we were a tad turned around. 
So instead of turning around and coming back the way we came, we took a different trail (logic). And that trail didn't go anywhere so we took another..and another.. And kinda gave up and ended up on the beach. 
If it was windy before, it was a hurricane on that beach. But it was so beautiful. Yesterday was one of those days that are memorable for beauty. Those mental snapshots will forever stay in my head. The usually flat water was churning, white caps as far as you could see. The sun was bright and there were random large fluffy white clouds that flew by at shocking speed. Up and down the coast were kite surfers with their wetsuits and bright-colored contraptions. 
(Kite surfing looks like a blast by the way, but it also looks impossible so)
There was a deep row of seashells lining the beach that had washed up during the night and actual seafoam. I love seafoam for those who didn't know. Of course there will be pictures to follow. 
Unfortunately, I can't post videos. I have quite a few of those as well. 
Today we shall attempt to run again. In theory. 

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