Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ma skills

I've been experiencing an artsy flair the past couple weeks. I've learned four songs on the piano (outside of these four I know one tune), worked on a charcoal I started in January, visited quite a few art museums, and lounged in the sun pondering life and such. It has actually been pretty fun. 
Applying to jobs gives me anxiety like none other. But, I did do a few adult-responsible things like that as well. I wrote my graduation speech. Yeah, sorry ahead of time. It's short, to the point, includes nothing about high school, and is not in French. But, I like it. 
There are two families and a woman staying here at the present and I do believe that they are my favorite. The woman speaks a little English but doesn't use it very often, she has been helping me a lot with my French.
 The two families in total brought 5 kids. I. Have. Missed. Children. They are all over the place here but I haven't gotten to actually hold one in a while. They are all boys except for one girl who is not afraid to make friends. The baby had these gorgeous brown eyes and was dressed better than most guys I know, in suspenders. The girl came downstairs all by herself with what I assume to be her parents phone to show us pictures of her artwork while sitting in my lap. 
Jacob came back from his week and a half trip yesterday and recounted his journey. Never put him in the drivers seat of a manual car. I hope these last few weeks are filled with laughter and day trips and French. 

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